Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day Number Four of Jr. High

Today is Thursday, day number four of Jr. High, and so far, so... interesting.

First, WHY does school start at 7:30 am! Come on! Hasn't anyone read the study that showed Teenagers are sleep deprived and any classes before 10:00 am are a complete waste of time? Plus, I am NOT a morning person, so dragging myself out of bed before 6:00 am and slapping a pleasant smile on my face while getting my daughter ready for school is against my religion!

Second, Queen Teen loves her new teacher, Gayle, but isn't too pleased that she's supposed to go from class to class for different subjects with different teachers. To her, it is a stupid idea and a waste of her time. She wants her equipment (Intellikeys, CCTV, and computer) in ONE room, all set up at HER station, the way she WANTS, without all this moving around. I have to say I kind of agree with her, especially since I believe the way Jr High is run in the USA is diametrically opposed to the way children should be educated (don't get me started!). However, this is the way Jr High IS and we want Queen Teen to learn how to live in the world and cope with change. Therefore, she is required to spend three periods in other classrooms with the remaining four in the Resource room with her beloved Gayle. In time I believe Queen Teen will get the hang of it. If not, we'll adjust as needed.

Third, Queen Teen has decided there's no way in hell she's wearing her hearing aids, she don't care how much they're supposed to help her or what kind of bribes we offer, forget it, we ain't getting those things in her ears EVER AGAIN. This could be a problem.

Fourth, lucky for her, the hearing aids broke and are now on their way back to the audiologist for repair.

Fifth, at the last minute her school found a full-time aid for her, thank goodness! I really didn't want to have to start that battle.

Sixth, Queen Teen has to use her wheelchair more than she would like because the ground of her new school is so bumpy and uneven it isn't safe for her to use her walker much. This makes her very angry.

Seventh, she has a huge smile on her face when I pick her up from school and she tells me she loves it. Whew!

1 comment:

CC said...

So glad she loved it! Relief at last!!